Championship - Adjusted Scores (Fri, August 23)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (31)
Bishop , Susie
Block, Megan
Chung, Loan
Davidson, Karen
Evans, Courtney
Hanna, Beth
Jang, Sarah
Khong, Vien
Knorr, Kim
Lee-Williams, Talett
Lobe, Augustine
Lucas, Kim
Lyons, Kathy
Martin, Gilly
Miller, Tamera
O'Daniel-Pierce, Evelyn
Pool, Kathleen
Pratt, Maggie
Raglin, Shana
Rains, Betsy
Sebourn, Leanne
Simpson, Darlene
Simpson, Sherri
Smith, Chong
Smith, Kim
Strawser, Kayt
Thomas, Jeri
Ward, Dicksie
Welsch, Cathie
Wilson, Polly
Wynn, Melanie